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Halloysite HNT (Halloysite Nano Tube)

: Halloysite is a thin tube material formed by weathering feldspar.

They are generally less than 0.25 µm in diameter and feature tube lengths from 0.5 to 3µm. It is sometimes referred to as Halloysite Nanotube (HNT).

High-quality HNTs are relatively rare and are being produced commercially by only a few producers. Among them, ULTRApure HNT, which is refined from high-quality feldspar mined in mines in Idaho, USA, is a high-purity product that is optimal for use in plastic compounding.

[ purpose ]

Polymer additive

Enhancement of productivity and mechanical properties

Coating and adhesive

​Strengthening hardenability and adhesion


Product reinforcement and thermal stability improvement

Medical and cosmetic

Absorption of harmful gas (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc.)

Absorbent in case of marine oil spill

i-minerals (Canada)

# ​Additional data request, quotation inquiry, sample offer consultation

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