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Titanium Dioxide Nano

: HOMBITEC® RM series is a nano-grade TiO₂ product created by VENATOR's technology.

It is a high-efficiency inorganic ultraviolet (UV) absorber, and it provides strong UV protection by adding a small amount.

[ Purpose ]

Transparent plastic and film

Food and beverage packaging films, plastics

​Finishing paint (coating, wax) to protect wood products

[ Characteristic ]

Powerful UV blocking effect

With only a small amount of addition, a thin transparent film can have a strong UV blocking effect.

Semi-permanent UV blocking effect

HOMBITEC® RM UV absorbers are not prone to transfer.

Unlike organic sunscreens, UV absorption performance is maintained semi-permanently.

VENATOR from Germany

Polymer:             LDPE (Elenac/Lupolen 1800H)

Film thickness:   50㎛

   유기물 UV 차단제 (사용전  400시간 후)

   HOMBITEC® RM (사용전  400시간 후)

Maintain transparency

It has transparency with low absorption rate for visible light.

Product segmentation

The HOMBITEC® RM series provides additives, crystal size, surface treatment and

Various grades are prepared by crystal lattice doping.

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